
Weeknotes #9

When my week involves meeting lots of different and interesting people, learning lots, and taking forward positive action to improve public services… that’s pretty much perfection! And this week has been exactly that! As I mentioned in last week’s weeknote, we have a number of collaborations with Swansea University as part of the  KESS 2…Read more »

Weeknotes #8

This last week started with a fab PhD supervisory meeting with Adam Runacres. Adam is undertaking research investigating the long-term influences of intensive training during childhood. It’s one of the collaborations we have with Swansea University as part of the KESS 2 programme. KESS 2 (Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship) provides opportunities for funded PhD and…Read more »

Weeknotes #6

It has been a bit quiet on the weeknote front from me as I have had a few week’s annual leave. It’s been so lovely spending a large part of the summer hols with our children (I have posted some of my photography here). And this summer has been a momentous one. Not only has…Read more »